On March 28th was held in Valencia (Spain) the Technical Conference “NanoDesk – Advanced web-based tools to promote the application of nanotechnology and the safe use of nanomaterials in the plastics industry”, organized by ITENE as coordinating entity of the NanoDesk project.
The inauguration of the eventwas given by Mr. Fernando Sáez (Technical Sub-director of INVASSAT) and Rafael Gozalbes (Director of ProtoQSAR) was one of the speakers. Rafael explained the basics of the QSAR methods and their potential applications at the industrial level. During the open debate after the presentations, Mr. Ángel Lozano (Director of the Spanish Plastics Center) was invited to participate. He highlighted the interest of the NanoDesk Project to the plastics industry, and the need to sensitize companies about the possibilities of nanomaterials. The NanoDesk platform constitutes a relevant advance in the matter, placing itself as the first tool capable of generating robust information on the applications and risks of nanomaterials of greater relevance for the plastics sector.
NanoDesk is a project framed in the Interreg SUDOE program, whose objective is to promote nanotechnology for the development of new plastic materials with high added value. The project involves entities from Spain, Portugal and France, among which ProtoQSAR is the only SME in the consortium.