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The HYPIEND project kicks off with its launch meeting in Barcelona.


At the end of January, the European project HYPIEND began in Barcelona. This event was organized by EURECAT, the consortium coordinators.

What is the HYPIEND Project about?

The HYPIEND project focuses on addressing the environmental challenge of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) during critical stages of development. Its main objective is to understand how simultaneous exposure to multiple EDCs affects the hypothalamic-pituitary (HP) axis and to develop strategies to minimize exposure and mitigate consequences during the perinatal and prepubertal stages.

To achieve this, the project will use various methodologies, including computational toxicology to identify patterns of co-exposure to EDCs, cell screenings, and organ-on-chip models based on organoids to assess the impact of EDCs on the HP axis. Additionally, epigenetic programming will be explored, and non-invasive biomarkers of HP axis alteration will be sought.

HYPIEND, composed of 14 public-private institutions across Europe, has received funding from the European Commission through the HORIZON-HLTH-2023-ENVHLTH-02 call and will operate during the period 2024-2029.

The Kick-Off Meeting in Barcelona.

Reunión Lanzamiento de HYPIEND en Barcelona

At this launch meeting, the project was introduced, and the initial steps for fruitful group work were discussed and established. Our researcher, Laureano E. Carpio, our CSO Eva Serrano, and our BD Manager, Simón Perera, represented ProtoQSAR at this event. They had the opportunity to present the tasks we will undertake within the project and to actively collaborate with other partners to discuss future actions.

At ProtoQSAR, we are thrilled to have the opportunity to work on this project. We are committed to the vision of a future where we know more about endocrine disruption, enabling us to make better and safer decisions.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (innovation action) under grant agreement No. 101137440.
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