ProtoQSAR develops the project “Computational screening and experimental validation of ecological pesticides against the HLB plague of citrus fruits (ECO-PEST)”, partially financed by the Valencian Institute of Economy and Competitiveness (IVACE), within it’s program “Creation of technologically-basedcompanies (CREATEC-CV)”.


The main objective of the project is to select ecological insecticides acting against the insects carrying the citrus bacteria known as “Huanglongbing” (HLB). ProtoQSAR will carry out computational and computer screening studies (“virtual screening”) in order to assess the most effective insecticides against insects carrying the pest tothe Valencian Community. In addition, field trials will be carried out in order to verify experimentally their effectiveness, as well as their (eco) toxicological safety in humans and the environment. Finally, the models will be implemented in a computer platform in which computationally designed and experimentally validated predictive models are available to users interested in their application for predictions on new compounds.


This project is developed with the collaboration of La Unió de Llauradors i Ramaders.



Financing entity

Fondos FEDER UE - Generalitat Valenciana - IVACE

Amount funded: 45.520,75€